Natalie L....President thingy, Ass master |
just kill me now. |
Yo. Im Natalie Alice, and I suppose that I'm the Prez of this little club.
Triple B #1
I will fill out this survey soon, I swear I will.
Alls you need to know is that I have hearts for Burleigh.
The End.
Here are the current bureaucrats of this bureaucracy.
#2 Miss Sharon, Vice President * Buffalo, NY
sharon is a bloody character
1)Why do you admire Burleigh so? I would have to say his laugh is adorable so is his smile and his dance so yeah. In just a few minutes of seeing him on stage for the first time.. i was completely in love with him as performer (oh i am a nerd). 2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang? twice only and i miss him already 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move? i do love all the tambourine, and only drumstick dances etc. but my personal favorite is the crazzy foot taps while playing the keyboards, it makes me happy. 4) How do you love Burleigh? Please count the ways:
all i have to say is Burleigh.. i don't know if your a good father figure.. who knows.. but you can have my children but maybe in a few years or so.. cause just as lil' bow wow says "i know we're young and we got timeee" yeah.. lil' bow wow knows best with his 16 yr old rapping self. 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude:
um me and miss president Natalie saw him in Buffalo and in Toronto. both were beautiful times. and we talked blabhalbhal.. and i made him brownies but they came out dryish. darn. 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy? oh he better be a permenant fixture or okgo will get beaten up by my 117 lbs of terror!!
#3 SAM * Indianapolis, IN
SAM is stuck in the gulf without a compass
1) Why do you admire Burleigh so? Because he talked to me on the phone. 2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang? never, but tonight baby, watch out. 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move? The SAM. 4) How do you love thee? Please count the ways:
1) In the I want to hug you, and give you a purple tambourine way. 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude:
He called my house. "SAM. This is burleigh". 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy? Just that guy, which gives him charm.
#4 Farah * Long Island NY
Farah is accustomed to ruffling feathers.
1) Why do you admire Burleigh so? its that goddamn giggle. i can't get enough of it. just the "he he he he he he" LOVE it. and i can't forget the tambourine dance. do you know how many memory cards i went through just to capture that amazement on my camera? just...OH! and really, BURLEIGH IS IN THE BAND. 2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang?
three. boo-yah. 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move? anything and everything that is incorporated into the tambourine dance. 4) How do you love thee? Please count the ways: laugh for me. please. just...the giggle. PLEASE. oh my god, can you imagine?giggling WHILE doing the tambourine dance? i would die. 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude: i've been to three ok go shows, all wonderful experiences. took a picture with him on halloween, and took another with him...a group picture, just last week. i was a little upset to see that the unibrow was gone, but oh, what are you gonna do. move on, i guess. well anyway, a bunch of us talked to him for a while after the show last week and he is just. lkajdasdkajsld. so nice. 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy? hello!? haven't you seen the buttons? he is IN the band. he couldn't be more in the band as far as i'm concerned. but don't you worry, this doesn't make him any less special.
#5 a. butas ( I didn't get your name, so I stole this off of your email)
1) Why do you admire Burleigh so? *I too was seduced by his smooth moves on the stage. There is never a dull moment with Burleigh. He is always smiling and shakin his thang. and for that...the world is forever indebted to him. 2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang? *unfortunately, only once. i've seen ok go numerous times, but i believe he is new to the band...but he is a valuable asset and i for one hope he never leaves 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move? *i would have to say when he is playing nothing, except for maybe the drumsticks. and he is jumping around, happier than ever. i will call this the "nihlist fandango" 4) How do you love Burleigh? Please count the ways: *the love is too much to count. 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude:
*unfortunately, i have not had any personal contact. just watching him makes my heart flutter. 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy? *in the band...i think...if not, he should be.
#6 Melle
Melle is committed to producing and selling its products in an environmentally sound way.
1) Why do you admire Burleigh so?
Burleigh so elegantly completes the "Almight Tambourine Dance" that sets my soul aflame.
2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang?
4 times and still counting. 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move?
The Tambourine Dance of course and the cute little hop he does. 4) How do you love thee? Please count the ways:
Alot, does that count? 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude:
We've just talked about random things. Great every time. When I got on stage, he kept high fiving me, it was rad. 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy? He is IN the band, OK Go is just not OK Go without the B
#7 Ella Mackowiak
Ella is framed with golden accents and a beautiful radiating guilloché pattern
1) Why do you admire Burleigh so?
he is what ok go is all about :) 2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang?
once, but no one ever comes to maine. damnit 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move? must you really make me choose? i choose everything. 4) How do you love thee? Please count the ways:
this question confuses me... uh hum. thee as in you or thee as in burleigh? heh, it rhymes. 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude
:i havent met him yet, but i have seen him break it down on stage 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy?
he is that guy IN the band
#8 Sai *15* Chicago, IL
Sai is a fork.
1) Why do you admire Burleigh so? Cause of the tambourine dance.... nothing better. 2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang? Four, tonight it'll be 5 (so excited!) 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move? the little hops/bounces in between the tambourine hits 4) How do you love thee? Please count the ways: if I wrote it all down, it would take me a long time. :-D 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude: Not more than a 5 minute chat, but it was cool. 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy? he is SO in the band.... (for now... bwahaha, jk but hopefully for a long time...)
#9 Janice * Australia
Janice is a delegate of the tibetan delegation
1) Why do you admire Burleigh so? because with a name like that, who wouldn't wanna admire him!??! i mean cmon... burleigh SEAVER! you can make so many words with that name! burly. beaver. leigh.sea. see? how many? 2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang? *sigh* only the leno performance. come down to australia DAMNIT! 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move?
gotta be the tambourine dance cos' i've heard so many stories about it. i need to see it. 4) How do you love thee? Please count the ways: if i lived in america. i'd stalk him. 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude:
psssshhh.. don't tease. teasing is bad. they're coming down apparently, so maybe i can have stories THEN!? 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy? well. he's neither cos he's burleigh seaver! oh my. that rhymed. it didn't make sense but hey! its gotta rule cos it rhymes!!
#10 Angela * 19 * Los Angeles, CA
Angela is part of the regular lunch crowd at the sherman avenue salvation army 1) Why do you admire Burleigh so?
his tambourine dance and his precious laugh. 2) How many times have you seen Burleigh do his thang?
eight. 3) What is your favorite Burleigh dance move?
the tambourine dance! 4) How do you love Burleigh? Please count the ways:
i want to perform karaoke with him to cheesy 80s duets. you know that's love. 5) Describe your own personal expierence with the dude:
he said his bath toy looked like a turd. then he giggled. oh, burleigh. 6) Is he IN the band, or is he just that guy? burleigh is in the band. B
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